
In response to COVID-19 and efforts to ensure the well-being of the PG电子APP community, 为了限制校园内的面对面交流,已经进行了更新. 你的幸福是我们的首要任务, and we continue to remain mindful of your needs and the needs of our students regarding successful completion of their lectures, 实验室和临床轮转.

然而,PG电子APP的校园仍然开放, employees are encouraged to work remotely as frequently as possible through the remainder of the semester. Please work with your Department Director regarding scheduling to ensure continued service to the education of our students. All employees are also encouraged to follow social distancing guidelines by the CDC to the extent this is possible. Continue to work with your Department Director for the best utilization of available space on-campus.

以下更新将于周一生效, 3月23日, 2020, and you will also be included on additional information that will be communicated to students.

  • 临床旋转/见习制度/校外实习期:
    • 研究生护理学(NPs, crna等.): Clinicals/preceptorships/practicums continue as scheduled dependent on your site availability. 请继续与你的项目主管合作 and Clinical Coordinator regarding changes or concerns.
    • 本科医疗保健业务: Professional Practice Experiences (PPE) will continue as scheduled and dependent on your site. 请继续与你的项目主管合作.
    • 医学成像: 实习将继续按计划进行,并取决于您的网站. 请继续与你的项目主管合作 and Clinical Coordinator.
    • 本科护理: Senior students will continue preceptorships as scheduled and dependent on your site. All other undergraduate nursing students will complete clinical requirements through virtual platforms or simulation beginning Monday, 3月23日, 2020年和 不应该 本学期剩下的时间到临床地点报到. 请与您的项目主任和临床协调员合作.
    • 摄影: All students will complete online clinical coursework requirements as scheduled. 开始周一,2020年3月23日的学生 不应该 到诊所报到,等待进一步通知. 请与您的项目主任和临床协调员合作.
  • 所有校内课程/理论 will continue in an online format through the end of the spring semester.
  • 所有校内实验室: The College is limiting as many face-to-face lab sessions as possible. Please communicate with your students regarding changes to your lab schedules. Lab sessions are being encouraged to take place in an online format as much as possible. Lab skills checks and simulation will remain on-campus as required by your program. 请与你的项目主管合作.
  • On-campus services remain open with badge access-only to all College buildings beginning 3月23日, 2020 为学生继续获得学术PG电子APP. Students and employees entering the campus facilities will need to have their student/employee badge, 因为所有外部入口将保持锁定状态
  • Student resources should remain available to students whether online or on-campus. Tutoring, Supplemental Instruction, Writing Lab services, registration, orientation, advising, etc. 都可以在网上找到.
  • 在校内教室进行测试 应该留到专业考试还是期末考试.  Please work with the 注册商 to schedule larger classrooms with the ability to spread larger student groups out for social distancing (6 ft. 学生之间). 请注意, our goal is to attempt to minimize as much face-to-face examination time per course as possible. Proctored classroom examinations should be held only for final examinations or other major exams. Quizzes or other small examinations should be administered completely online off-campus or use other means of assessment rather than testing.  请与CTE合作执行这些建议.
  • 校园内的宿舍仍然开放: this is open only to current student residents living on campus and faculty who office there.

请以更新后的为准 PG电子APP员工常见问题指南 在我们的网站上有最新的信息 visit.ycdwkj666.com/coronavirus. 如有任何问题或疑虑,请与我们联系. Reminder: maximize online resources to limit face-to-face interactions whenever possible.


Dr. Aubray Orduna